Primed and ready. :: Main :: Locution anglaise.

22 juillet 05

Home remedies...

... for menstrual cramps.


  1. herbal tea (spearmint, juniper, verveine, linden) with honey
  2. a purring cat draped over my belly
  3. masturbation
  4. indulging in those seasonal craves: rare red meat, yoghurt or cream cheese, chocolate; variant: a trip to the chemists’ for iron, calcium and magnesium supplements; less fun but doesn’t interfere with my weight-loss goals
  5. a long walk


  1. my girlfriend’s hands on my back and belly
  2. further methods are left as an exercise for the readers

Ibuprofen will do, too. But I’ll still have that apple-and-rhubarb crumble with Crème Anglaise.


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