Wintry thoughts. :: Main :: Garfielddgate (in English).

2 janvier 06

2005, stats.

I started this blog in July 2025, when the need arose to factor out the personal (and maybe the political) from the rest of my web presence. This was, and still is, a quick-and-dirty Textpattern install, minimally customised—yes, search, blogroll and a design that deserves the name will be added one day.

The name, I fear, is something I never explained in English. It goes back to the title Les bilingues sont dangereux of a post by Kozlika. The topic is an asinine draft report leaked from one of the most law-and-order-thumping French National Assembly committees. It purported to determine how a youth “strays from the straight path” [my gloss, but sic!] and turns to delinquency. The first step, according to the enlightened MPs? Not being brought up in a French-speaking household: for a three-year-old, being a bilingual is, apparently, a first warning sign. There was a lot wrong with the report (the mind-boggling number of spelling and grammatical errors, just for starters), but this bit in particular got the heaps of ridicule it deserved .

Now people who know me are aware that I juggle with three languages quite a bit, and so Kozlika nicknamed me … “dangereuse trilingue”. It’s a bit pretentious—many of the regulars in the café across the street from my place speak three languages—but when I needed a blog title, this was it.

This blog has always been supposed to be a personal place, where even bad writing will be allowed to stay. It’s not ambitious. In AWStat’s counting, it gets about 160 unique visitors a day. Many come from the other local bloggers, who have become dear to me.

Top search terms were femme, lesbienne, dangereuse trilingue, powermale and home remedies for menstrual cramps, which, after various write-ups of local get-togethers, is also the most popular post I’ve written. The two posts about the November riots in the French suburbs also got a bit of traffic. My own favourite is, I think, the dreamy little Apples fantasy and the report from our opera jaunt last week (in French). The rest contains a fair bit of agonizing, but then, no one’s forced to read it.


  1. gilda :: 3 janvier, 10:16 :: # ::

    thanks for the link : I’ve been reading regularly by Koz’ only since the Hôtel des Blogueurs season so I didn’t know about that dangerous MPs report.

    I think Dangereuse Trilingue is quite a good nickname :-) !